Experienced Skydivers
Drop Zone rules & Requirement
You will be required to produce your License and Log Book and undertake refresher training if you have exceeded the allowable time period since your last jump. We accept License Equivalent to USPA B-License with minimum of 200 jumps and membership of your home country as long as issued by an FAI (Federation Aeronautique International) contracting country or state. Please contact us before coming as fun jumps only available if we have single tandem on the load.
- AAD, Helmet & Visual altimeter is required.
- Reserve re-pack within 180 days.
- Bring your own gear as we don’t have gear rental available.
- Minimum deployment altitude is 3000 feet
- No fun jumpers following Tandem Jumps.
Please contact us before coming as fun jumps only available if we have single tandem on the load.